Not Offered Speed Awareness Course
Speed awareness courses are usually half a day sessions for people that have been caught speeding.
The courses are offered across the country as an alternative to accepting penalty points on your licence. The course is often very beneficial for attendees, as it is aimed at educating people to avoid any future offending.
The Courses are run by independent regional bodies who work in conjunction with local constabularies. The course is optional, however if you choose to attend the course and you fail to turn up – it’s more than likely that you will get a summons to Court – so you won’t get out of any punishment!
Are you eligible, that is the first question that you need to ask! The first criteria is that you must not have attended a speed awareness course within the last three years (if you have you won’t be offered the course again until this time limit has passed).
The other criterion is the speed! If the speed falls within the designated threshold (usually if your speed was no more than 10% plus 9 mph of the limit) the course will be offered to you!
You are best checking this by contacting the central ticket unit. If you do need to contact the central ticket unit, you can easily contact them by telephone. Each constabulary has their own central ticket unit. The telephone numbers should be on the conditional offer.
Alternatively, you can go on to the website for the correct constabulary to locate the telephone number.
Should you wish to get in contact with a member from our team, contact us using the request a callback form or call us on 0161 839 5117 from Manchester & the North or call 0207 903 5144.