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Philip Trotter and Martin Hammond have  over 40 years experience in helping keep UK motorists driving. The UK's most trusted motoring law specialists.


Disclosing Convictions

Disclosing criminal convictions to employers

Firstly, the Court will not normally disclose this to your employer, however there is nothing stopping your local newspaper publishing the outcome of the Court hearing in the newspaper!

If you are not sure about whether you have a duty to disclose it to your employer, firstly you should check your company policies which you should adhere too. Your contract of employment may also hold the answer.

If you are a member of a professional body, for example a Doctor registered with the General Medical Council – it would be wise speaking with a representative there.

Each profession has different guidance set out by their professional body.  However, if you need to discuss specific employment law issues, you would need to seek the advice of a specialist employment lawyer.

If you need further guidance about whether you need to tell a potential employer, you should look at the following government guidance or ‘request a callback’. Alternatively, should you want more information regarding appealing a driving offence, we suggest that you give one of our agents a call.

Appealing a driving offence can be an impossible task without specialist Motoring Solicitors, we deal with similar cases daily.

If you want advice from a member of our team give us a call (Manchester & North) 0161 839 5117 or call (London & South) 020 3886 2340.